Legal careers

Rewarding legal careers

If you’re looking for an exciting legal career with plenty of challenge and a supportive collaborative culture, talk to us at Partners Legal Solutions.

Partners Legal Solutions offer rewarding legal careers to experienced lawyers that share our vision and values. 

Your values

Tell us about your:

  • desire to deliver clients’ needs in the most efficient way you can
  • desire to work flexibly in terms of location and hours
  • ability to adopt great technology to enable the efficient delivery of solutions
  • wish to be appropriately remunerated for the value you deliver to your clients

Your lifestyle

Which lawyers benefit from our model?

  • Lawyers looking for flexible hours such as those approaching retirement or those with family commitments
  • Lawyers who have a keen sense of delivering value to clients in excess of the cost
  • Lawyers who have clients looking for flexible charging arrangements
    Lawyers who don’t need large teams of legal and administrative staff to deliver their services

How does it work?

When you join Partners Legal Solutions you are not committing to come into an office for a certain number of hours (or any hours at all). Our cloud technology enables you to work from home, at a client’s premises, on a plane or anywhere at all. We ask you to commit to particular projects (as many or as few as you like) but, beyond that, you choose when and where you want to work.

Revenue model

We can enter into any arrangements with our clients that make sense... retainers, hourly rates, fixed fees, success fees and even equity-style arrangements. We prefer to avoid hourly rates if possible because they mean that the interests of the lawyer and the client are diametrically opposed.

We don’t argue with clients about fees. In the unlikely event that a client does not think that we have delivered value, we will reduce or eliminate our fee accordingly. (We will however reserve the right not to act for that client the next time they ask).

Remuneration model

The firm shares remuneration with each lawyer on a pro-rata basis when fees are paid. The split between the firm and the lawyer may vary slightly from matter to matter depending on the type of retainer but, as a general guide, the lawyer receives as gross remuneration of 45% of the fees attributable to his or her work plus 15% of all fees collected on matters for which the lawyer made the initial referral to the firm. Thus, if you source a matter and do all the work on it, you will receive 60% of the fees collected. Contrast this with traditional city firms where partners may earn profit of around one-third of fees billed and it is obvious that we deliver a better outcome for both clients and lawyers.

Partners Legal Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 52 655 454 014) is affiliated with Partners Wealth Group. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

At Partners Wealth Group, we think we do things a little differently, but better.

Our team of diverse and highly specialised experts work closely with your accountant or other trusted advisors to form a comprehensive wealth strategy. This genuine approach to collaboration is at the heart of our philosophy of being stronger together and is encapsulated in our logo design of three geese flying together in formation, representing our clients, our partners and ourselves working together for better outcomes.

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