In the media

In the media

Partners Wealth Group are often called upon by media to provide expert commentary on financial topics affecting Australians. For all media enquiries please contact

Don’t be trumped by the White House’s economic nostrums

Posted 19 March 2025| The Golden Times

Senior Financial Advisor Andrew Gillon and Investment Portfolio Manager Matthew Leong comment on the recent global market corrections. Drawing on their expertise, they discussed with The Golden Times the cyclical nature of markets.

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The role of women in family wealth management: Rob Hand discusses key insights on ABC Radio

Posted 03 March 2025| ABC Radio

Interviewed by ABC Radio's Brigitte Duclos, Rob Hand Director of Wealth at Partners Wealth Group, discusses key topics such as inheritance, family dynamics, and the increasing number of women taking on the role of managing family wealth. He also answers questions from callers, sharing insights on blended families, uneven distribution of assets in an estate, the importance of proactive communication to prevent future complications, and more.

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Meet the women controlling the wealth of Australia’s richest families

Posted 07 March 2025| The Australian Financial Review

At Partners Wealth Group we are increasingly seeing more women taking an active role in controlling their wealth and financial future. Our Director of Wealth Rob Hand spoke to The Australian Financial Review about this emerging trend in this article.

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Reshaping inheritance: Women leading the way in wealth transfer

Posted 18 February 2025| CFO Magazine

CFO Simon Jennings and COO Simon Glendenning shared insights with CFO Magazine A/NZ on how a flexible approach to strategic business planning ensures we continue to provide a personalised approach to financial advice.

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Females millionaires growing at double the rate of men

Posted 28 January 2025| Herald Sun

A new report from JBWere finds that female millionaires in Australia are growing at nearly double the rate of their male counterparts, with new financial data revealing the “oldest daughter” has become the most popular member to manage family money. PWG's Rob Hand says there has been a shift in “more females leading the charge and taking the reins of their wealth”.

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Can AI deliver tailored financial advice?

Posted 21 January 2025| Channel 10 News First

Partners Wealth Group's Managing Director Matt Cassidy speaks to 10 News First on the risks and opportunities of using Artificial Intelligence tools for financial advice.

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Barron's Top Financial Advisors 2024

Posted 21 November 2024| The Australian

We are proud and excited to announce that three Partners Wealth Group advisors have made the esteemed Barron's Top 150 Financial Advisors 2024 list. Mathew Cassidy Managing Director, Rob Hand Director of Wealth and Laurence Poulter Strategic Advisor & Partner were all recognised this year, highlighting the depth of expertise, experience and commitment of our team to delivering outstanding client outcomes.

2024 Top Advisors

Robot versus human: How will you plan for retirement?

Posted 15 November 2024| The Age

Mathew Cassidy, managing director of Partners Wealth Group, talked to The Age about the role of AI in financial advice and acknowledged that while AI has a role to play, retirement planning still demands a human touch that technology simply cannot replicate.

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What Trump's second coming means for self-funded retirees

Posted 13 November 2024| The Golden Times

"The (US) election is only one part of a broader mosaic that impacts markets". Matthew Leong, Senior Portfolio Manager at Partners Wealth Group talks to The Golden Times about what Trump’s second coming means for self-funded retirees.

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Self-funded retirees could be big losers in APRA’s hybrid proposal

Posted 23 October 2024| The Golden Times

APRA is proposing to phase out hybrids as part of its plan to stabilise the banking system, an act that could have a big impact on self-funded retirees. Our Chief Financial Officer Graeme Bibby, CFA CAIA CIMA provided his comments on the proposal to The Golden Times.

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How to create an airtight Will

Posted 20 September 2024| Morningstar

Do you know that more than 50% of wills are contested? Partners Legal Solutions Abbey John talks to Morningstar about how to create an airtight will and increase the likelihood that your wishes are honoured.

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Self funded retirees will have to dig deeper to pay for their aged care

Posted 18 September 2024| The Golden Times

Aged Care expert Luke Andrews shares his expertise with The Golden Times on the recently passed Aged Care Act which will put residential and home care on a more sustainable basis with individuals’ contributions more closely attuned to their financial position. The reforms respond to a recommendation of the Aged Care Taskforce that Australians needed to make a reasonable means-tested contribution to the cost of their care.

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Hold tight: Retirees urged to ride out market tubulence

Posted 13 August 2024| The Golden Times

In times of market volatility it can be natural to panic about market fluctuations, however it is important to remember that corrections occur regularly in financial markets; since the 1980's the US stockmarket has had a 10% correction once a year (except 1995 and 2017) - our local market usually follows this lead. The Golden Times spoke to our Director of Wealth Rob Hand about how to deal with market volatility.

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Partners Private co-founder takes private equity path to portfolio management

Posted 25 March 2024| The Inside Adviser

Mathew Cassidy, Managing Director of Partners Wealth Group talks to The Inside Adviser about changing client's lives, private investment markets and why we firmly believe that individual investors deserve better.

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How to invest like the Future Fund

Posted 07 March 2024| The Money Puzzle

Our Managing Director Mathew Cassidy joined James Kirby, Wealth Editor at The Australian on The Money Puzzle to explain what unlisted assets are, balancing risk and return, and how we are opening the doors to unlisted investment opportunities that clients would not be able to access on their own.

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Super Force

Posted 04 October 2022| Financial Standard

Self managed super funds are growing in popularity with Millenials. As the desire to take control of their futures grows, they're proving a powerful catalyst for change in the sector. Head of Wealth Patrick Barry interview by the Financial Standard.

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New law helps super visibility in a divorce

Posted 08 September 2021| The Age

"There's no hard and fast formula for calculating how super should be split", Head of Wealth Patrick Barry quoted in the Money section of The Age.

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"We treat accountants like friends."

Posted 23 June 2021| Professional Planner

Mathew Cassidy interview with Professional Planner.

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Barron's Top 100 Financial Advisers 2021

Posted 16 June 2021| The Deal, The Australian

James Kirby from The Australian interviews Managing Director Mathew Cassidy on his #7 ranking in the Barron's Top 100 Financial Advisers 2021.

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For all media enquiries please contact Kate Peters on